Friday, December 19, 2008

Get the Piggy!

Johanna's next developmental milestone should be to start noticing her hands and grabbing at objects.

I've tried to help her get a head start.

Miss Drooly Cutie

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Johanna's Baptism

Johanna was baptized on November 30th at Saint Elizabeth Anne Seaton parish in Wichita. We were so fortunate to have her baptized by Vince's brother, Father Larry Carney.

The baptism was beautiful and very special. We were there with family and Johanna's godparents Aunt Emily and Uncle Tony.

Thanksgiving Family Pics

Lift that Head!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

5 Weeks Old

Johanna is 5 weeks old! She is becoming very alert and has been smiling at Mommy and Daddy. She is still a happy baby and still loves to eat. The best news - she has been sleeping 5-6 hour stretches at night! Yay for Mommy.

I have been playing some games with her. She loves toys that make music or light up and she enjoys looking at lights around the house. I've been reading a few books to her and singing quite a bit. Yesterday we played "The Spice" game. I took a few spices out of the cabinet like Cinnamon, Garlic, and Italian Spice and held them up to her nose. She seemed to like the garlic quite a bit because she tried to eat some. Ha ha!