Sunday, November 9, 2008

More Cute Photos

Today Miss Baby is two weeks old. She has been such a great baby so far and we have been adjusting to life with a new baby. Last night was a pretty sleepless night because Miss J didn't want to go to sleep until about 4 in the morning. Other than that, she is a little sweetie and hardly fusses or cries.

Right now she is in her swing blissfully drifting into dreamland.

I have taken some really cute photos over the past two weeks that I want to share. I also have a nice little video to share of Johanna enjoying her swing.

Tomorrow is her 2 week checkup so we hope she has gained the necessary weight to get back up to her birth weight. As much as she likes to eat, I'm sure it won't be a problem.

She really has been very alert the past few days and can really focus in on faces. She is also started to respond to some of her toys and really likes music. I like to sing to her but have a hard time thinking of good songs to sing. At least she doesn't know if I mess up the lyrics!

Another thing - she has had trouble passing gas and the past few nights will grunt and grunt trying to get a poop in. Vince and I play bicycle with her legs to help her pass out that gas. It's amazing the grunts this little lady can make!

Well, enough for now! We'll keep you posted with new baby updates.


KAY POTTER said...

Dear Shelley,
Thanks for your email giving this blog. I particulary like the 2nd picture with the big smile! I hope she continues to grow up with such a smile and positive attitude.
I will check in from time to time to learn how she and you are doing.
Best Wishes,
Katherine Potter-Rosenfeld

The Harrison's said...

Shelley and Vince,
What a precious little girl! I'm so excited for you guys. You both look great by the way! I can't believe all the hair and smiles. We'll have to get together again sometime.
Love ya,