Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mommy! I'm Cute!!!


Chubby Baby Face

Almost 4 Months!

My name is Johanna. I'm a baby as you know and I am almost 4 months old. That means I'm becoming a big girl! I've been traveling a lot and playing with my mom and dad.

My favorite things include: playing with Kujoe, visiting my grandparents, rocking in my swing, playing with my new toys, and trying to roll over. I should have that rolling over thing down pretty soon.

I overhead my mommy talking about visiting the doctor this week. Last time they poked me a lot and it really hurt. I hope that doesn't happen again. It made me and my mommy cry.

Anyway, here are some of my favorite pics to show you what I've been up to! Goo goo gaa gaa!


3 1/2 months

I haven't posted any baby blog photos lately. Johanna is growing so fast and just gets prettier every day.

She now enjoys putting everything in her mouth and she also loves to drool. I bet she will be teething soon. I am excited to make baby food and buy her some rice cereal...but I might wait a few more months before I start her on solids.

Anyway, in the past month we have traveled to Wichita, Emporia and Salina. She travels pretty well but it definitely disrupts her schedule - therefore it disrupts Mommy's too.

Anyway, here are some fun pictures!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Mommy and Baby

It seems I take most of the pictures so I'm not in too many of them. I want to make sure to get cute pictures of me and Johanna so here are a few!