Saturday, December 18, 2010

Gingerbread House Party!

Our friends Anna and Kara hosted a Gingerbread House kid's party today! There were about 10 kiddos there decorating houses.
Johanna mostly enjoyed eating the candy while mommy did 98% of the decorating.
It was a great time!
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Santa Terror Take Two

Johanna and I took the bus down to Crown Center yesterday to meet Vince and to see Santa.
Johanna had fun playing at the playground while Mommy stood in line for Santa.

She had no idea what was coming.
She instantly freaked out the minute we took her near Santa. She was the only screaming kid while we were there - she threw back her body trying to escape. We were trying to tell her that Santa had some stickers for her but she wasn't having it.
"Mommy! Mommy!"
She was REALLY upset and the mechanical Santa right outside the door made her so upset she was almost hyperventilating. She wouldn't even look at it. Poor thing, maybe one day she will be ready to sit on Santa's lap.
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Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Photo Shoot

Johanna and I went on a little photo shoot today around the neighborhood! I dressed her up in a Christmas dress from last year - still fits!

We walked down the Trolley Trail over to Crestwood to check out a cute little gingerbread playhouse they have to raffle off. Johanna had fun and so did I. I hope you enjoy these fun pictures.