Thursday, September 20, 2012

Carolyn decided she likes walking

Just a few days after the Cookie Frankenstein incident, Carolyn has decided she really enjoys standing up and walking around.

Cookie Frankenstein

Carolyn takes a few steps - because she is a cookie Frankenstein!!! She first saw Johanna had a cookie and took off across the kitchen. This is a reenactment of the original event where I lured her in a with a graham cracker.

Carolyn's Cake Smash

Carolyn's Birthday Party

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tiny Dancer

Johanna's dream has come true - she is in her first ballet class. Here the students are doing a freeze dance and Johanna is enjoying watching herself prance and dance in the mirrors. This week the parents weren't allowed to watch in the studio so I am glad I took these adorable videos the first day of class. She now has two leotards, tights and tiny ballet shoes. She is a natural - doesn't get her grace from me. :)

Stroller Fun

This was taken on Carolyn's First Birthday - my baby girl is so big. We love your Carolyn, my little fiery ginger baby.

Baby Carolyn is very close to walking!