Thursday, July 15, 2010

Adventures Day Two

Wednesday was a fun but SUPER HOT day! We went to Deanna Rose Farmstead for about an hour and a half. Johanna and Avery had a blast and loved seeing all of the animals. You could tell that the heat was getting to them a little, but there were moments to cool off with a tiny splash pool and areas of lush shade.

We then we home for some lunch and they both took LONG naps. Renee and I were able to relax and tap little naps, too.

Then when they woke we went over to the spray park at Loose Park. Unfortunately it was closed that day, but there was a little trickle of water - enough to entertain these two!

After the spray park we went on a long jog in the heat - there was a nice breeze so I didn't completely melt into a puddle of the trail. Renee thought it would be fun to sprint up some of the hills. She is one crazy lady, that's for sure.

Here are some fun moments from the spray park:

Did you notice that little "kick" at the end? Too funny,

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