Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Christmas in Girard - It's only March!

Well, it's only been a few months since Christmas and also since I last updated the baby blog. I think it's time to get back into the swing of things! Here are some fun memories from Christmas 2010 in Girard!

Grandma Kathie tickles little Johanna.
We enjoy a nice family game of "Imaginiff" with Kujoe as the main and center attraction. Johanna kept knocking our pieces off the game board so I'm not exactly sure who actually won.
Vince is a good sport and lets Johanna feed him so yummy pretend baby mush.
On Christmas Eve, Johanna is so excited to see her new beautiful quilt made by Grandma Kathie. It will be for her big girl bed!
She loves it!
On Christmas Dad, Fr. Larry stokes the fire with a ancient flame thrower from World War II. Watch out!
While the steaks are cooking, we all pose for some fun and silly family photos.
Poppa Larry can always make Johanna giggle.
J sure is a mommy's girl, through and through.
Daddy's love to hang their kids upside down for some reason.
This is a picture of Vince and I, with Kujoe making an appearance. Also, if you look close enough you will see that I have a certain glow about me. Here I am secretly 6 weeks pregnant. And tired.

As always, we had a wonderful Christmas with our Carney family!

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1 comment:

Cammy said...

Congrats on your pregnancy, Shelley! Johanna is so ridiculously adorable, I am excited that you are makin' more babies. ;-) Hooray!!!!!